Art Glenberg discusses Embodied Cognition (BSP 36)
Listen to Dr. Glenberg's Interview (left click to listen, right click to download)
Links and References: Arthur Glenberg, PhD- email:
- Laboratory for Embodied Cognition
- Havas, D.A., Glenberg, A.M., and Rink, M. (2007) Emotion simulation during language comprehension. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review 14 (3), 436-441
- Numerous references available as PDF
- Thinking With the Body: blog post of March 3, 2008
- George Lakoff: pioneering linguist
- James Gibson-known for his ideas about affordances
- William Epstein-emeritus professor at the University of Wisconsin
- Joseph Campos: University of California (Berkelely)
- Amy Needham and Amanda Woodard-experiments with velcro mits and infant cognition
- David A Havas: graduate student and co-author with Dr. Glenberg
- Mike Kashak: Florida State University
- Mike Rinck: German co-author-see paper under Glenberg (more papers)
- Vittorio Gallese, Dept of Neuroscience, University of Parma, Italy (where mirror neurons were discovered): extensive experimental with motor neurons in monkeys
- Fritz Stack (Germany): experiments showing that facial experiments affect mood and cognition
- Havas, D.A., Glenberg, A.M., and Rink, M. (2007) Emotion simulation during language comprehension. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review 14 (3), 436-441
- more publications by Arthur Glenberg
- Sommerville, J.A., Woodard, A.L., and Needham, A., Action experience alters 3-month-old infants’ perception of others’ actions, Cognition 96 (2005) B1-B11.
- Strack, F., Martin, L. L., & Stepper, S. (1988). Inhibiting and facilitating conditions of the human smile: A nonobtrusive test of the facial feedback hypothesis. Journal of Personality & Social Psychology, 54, 768-777.
- Women, Fire, and Dangerous Things (1987) by George Lakoff
- recent essays by George Lakoff written for the Rockridge Institute
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