Ginger Campbell, MD hosts and produces two podcasts: Books and Ideas and the Brain Science Podcast. On Books and Ideas she explores a wide range of topics with a special focus on science and medicine. This blog contains the detailed show notes for the Books and Ideas podcast.
Recent research has discovered that glial cells (the non-neuronal cells that make up about 85% of the cells in the human nervous system) actually do more than just support neurons. In Episode 69 of the Brain Science Podcast I explore some of these recent discoveries with pioneering researcher, R. Douglas Fields, PhD. Dr. Fields is the author of The Other Brain: From Dementia to Schizophrenia, How New Discoveries about the Brain Are Revolutionizing Medicine and Science. The Other Brain provides a compelling introduction to this exciting new field. It is aimed at general readers, but it should also be on the must-read list for all students of neuroscience.