What turns an intern into a "real" doctor?
/How does a green intern become a "real" doctor? I can tell you from personal experience that it is a very gradual process made up of many steps. Some of them are small and later forgotten, while others stay in one's mind years after the details of the events have faded. For me, one such vivid memory was talking to a room full of family about whether they wanted their elderly loved one put on life support. While it was stressful at the time, handling the situation alone, not only gave me confidence, but it shaped how I have approached similar events through out my career.
The new autobiography, INTERN: A Doctor's Initiation by Sandeep Jauhar has been reviewed by Nancy Yanes-Hoffman on her blog WRITING DOCTOR'S BLOG by NYHWRITER.COM. Dr. Yanes-Hoffman gave me permission to quote her entire review, but I would rather link to her blog, so that you can see what else you might find interesting there.
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