Introducing Palliative Medicine (BI 56)
/In July 2014 I started a Fellowship in Palliative Medicine. Episode 56 of Books and Ideas is an interview with Dr. Amos Bailey, a respected pioneer in the field.
In July 2014 I started a Fellowship in Palliative Medicine. Episode 56 of Books and Ideas is an interview with Dr. Amos Bailey, a respected pioneer in the field.
Read MoreEpisode 55 of Books and Ideas is an interview with Dr. John Ratey, co-author of Go Wild: Free Your Body and Mind from the Afflictions of Civilization. Dr. Ratey has also been featured several times on the Brain Science Podcast. He is an expert on the brain benefits of exercise.
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Michael Sagg, MD (click to listen)Episode 54 of Books and Ideas is an interview with Dr. Michael Saag, one of the pioneers in the battle against HIV-AIDS and author of the provocative new book Positive: One Doctor's Personal Encounters with Death, Life, and the US Healthcare System. When I asked him why he wrote his book he said bluntly "Because I am angry!"
Saag shares the frustration of most American physicians who struggle with the current chaos that we call a healthcare "system." As he notes on page 2 of Positive, “over three decades of unparalleled advances in science and healing, so much about practicing medicine seems to have gotten worse. Medical professionals’ time with patients has decreased while the workload had increased. The cost of patient care has risen by every measure, while insurers appear to profit more and help less.”
In Positive Dr. Saag blends the inside story of how HIV-AIDS was transformed from a death sentence to a manageable chronic medical condition with a candid discussion of our sytems failings. He recognizes that those of us who want to see real change face an uphill battle against powerful, (and rich) entrenched interests who are profiting from the current chaos, but it is his hope that Positive will motivate physicians and patients to use the actvisim that helped spur success against AIDS as an inspiration to fight together for change.
Listen to Episode 54 of Books and Ideas
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This month’s Books and Ideas podcast (#41) is an interview with Holly Tucker, author of Blood Work: A Tale of Medicine and Murder in the Scientific Revolution. Dr. Tucker’s book is about the first blood transfusions—which, surprisingly, occurred way back in the 1660’s; 150 years before the first successful human-to-human transfusions.
The thing that makes Blood Work compelling is that Dr. Tucker puts these early efforts into the context of their time, and she helps us to consider how these events could be relevant to the medical controversies of our own time. And, as we will allude to during our conversation, the story includes a fascinating murder mystery.
Listen to Episode 41 of Books and Ideas
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Paul Offit, MDIn his new book Deadly Choices: How the Anti-Vaccine Movement Threatens Us All pediatrican Dr Paul A. Offit traces the history of the anti-vaccine movement from opposition to the small pox vaccine in the 19th century up through recent events. Unfortunately, the results are predictable. Reducing vaccination rates lead to reemergence of dangerous preventable infectious diseases. That is why the decision not to vaccinate is not a personal decision. It is one that involves the whole community.
This is the focus of the conversation I had with Dr. Offit in Episode 40 of Books and Ideas. This is a follow-up to Dr. Offit's first interview here in Episode 25.
Because I think this issue is literally a matter of life and death, I encourage you to share this podcast with others.
Listen to Dr. Offit's interview (Books and Ideas #40)
Episode Transcript (Download PDF)
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Send email feedback to Dr. Campbell at gincampbell at mac dot com or leave voicemail at 205-202-0663.
Listen to Episode 29 of Books and Ideas
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This episode includes a short promo for Nina Kimberly the Merciless by Christiana Ellis. You can learn more about Christiana's work at
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Listen to Dr. Martensen's Interview
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Listen to Dr Merzenich’s Interview
Episode Transcript (Coming Soon)
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Go to Brain Science Podcast website for show notes and links.
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I recommend Dr. Offit's book Autism's False Prophets to everyone because of its thorough examination of the vaccine-autism controversy. He examines the evidence from both sides, while showing compassion for why parents are easily confused and frightened by claims that physicians and scientists have dismissed. The book is unlikely to dissuade those who are convinced by the tactics of vaccine opponents, but it will be a valuable resource to parents who want a clear explanation that includes a sober account of the risks of not vaccinating their children. Physicians and scientists will also benefit from reading this book because it provides an important case study in how lack of scientific literacy can threaten public health.
Episode Transcript (download PDF)
Listen to Episode 49 of the Brain Science Podcast
Listen to Delany Dean's Interview.
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Mind Expressions: Delany's Dean's blog Teachers and Scientists mentioned in the interview:Links and References: Dr. Taub recommends that interested listeners do their own Google search under "constraint-induced movement therapy" or CI Therapy, but I have included a few links below: About Dr. Taub: